Geometric Shapes
Craft 3D and 2D geometric shapes out of paper straws. Make jewelry, ornaments, or whatever you can dream up!
Hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. | Fri. & Sat. till 8 p.m.
Don't miss upcoming events, performances, and workshops at the museum!
Craft 3D and 2D geometric shapes out of paper straws. Make jewelry, ornaments, or whatever you can dream up!
Come explore your dreams in a collage workshop with artist Erica Bryant. Learn about the art of collage and the science of dreams while making […]
Learn the basics of finger painting and create a work of art in the Play Lab!
Celebrate the joy of reading! Hear children’s stories read aloud on selected Mondays and be whisked away on literary adventures as part of the Carol […]
Learn the basics of finger painting and create a work of art in the Play Lab!
Learn the basics of finger painting and create a work of art in the Play Lab!
Learn the basics of finger painting and create a work of art in the Play Lab!
Drink. Laugh. Play. Join The Strong on Thursday, December 7, for the adult-only Happiest Hour! The night includes a cash bar, loads of fun, music […]
Learn the basics of finger painting and create a work of art in the Play Lab!
Join Naomi Foley and The Eastman Young Children's Chorus for a night of musical fun at The Strong Museum!
Learn the basics of finger painting and create a work of art in the Play Lab!
Learn how to make handmade jewelry in a jewelry class offered by local artist, Rashad Parker. By the end of the class, you will have […]
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Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.