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Woodbury School

Children at Woodbury School learn and develop in playful activities set among the museum’s hands-on exhibits.

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Preschool programs for children ages three to five.

Woodbury School at The Strong offers a museum-based preschool program for children ages three to five. Woodbury School is Reggio Emilia-inspired and therefore is responsive to the interests of the children. This approach encourages teachers and students to work together to plan a curriculum that is responsive to the individual needs of each child and supports their social emotional development.

How to Apply

Now entering its 19th year, the school is named in honor of the museum’s founder, Margaret Woodbury Strong, whose parents, John and Alice Woodbury, made the world Margaret’s classroom and encouraged her to play in countless ways.

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Apply for the 2025–2026 school year


Frequently Asked Questions

Reggio Emilia Approach

The curriculum at The Strong’s Woodbury School and all of the other museum’s educational experiences for children are Reggio Emilia-inspired. Guided by teachers who facilitate their explorations, students delve deeply into topics that fascinate and stimulate learning. In Woodbury School, children take part in small and large group activities designed to enhance learning and support development. Parents have the opportunity to see how their children learn through student art, photographs of students at work and play, video recordings, and projects.

Classroom Setting

Specially designed classrooms serve as the children’s homeroom. Set apart from the museum galleries, these colorful spaces provide a familiar, comfortable, and manageable environment for children.

Hands-On Exploration

Supervised by their teachers, children also experience the colorful, imaginative museum exhibits. When the weather permits, children enjoy a secure outdoor play space—designed exclusively for the school.

Parents' Role

Woodbury teachers consider parents to be school partners and so encourage classroom visits and parental involvement. Teachers launch each school year with a get-acquainted play date and hold parent-teacher conferences regularly.

Academic Calendar

View the current academic calendar for school-break periods and other Woodbury School key dates and closures.

2025–2026 Programs and Fees

Preschool Program for Three-Year-Olds
To enroll in the preschool program, children must be three years old on December 1, 2025. The Strong offers a 10% sibling discount for families with two or more children enrolled at Woodbury School.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
9–11:30 a.m., $3,500 per year

Tuesday and Thursday
9–11:30 a.m., $2,500 per year

Monday through Friday
9–11:30 a.m., $5,750 per year

Preschool Program for Four- and Five-Year-Olds
To enroll in the preschool program, children must be either four or five years old on December 1, 2025. The Strong offers a 10% sibling discount for families with two or more children enrolled at Woodbury School.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
1–3:30 p.m., $3,500 per year

Tuesday and Thursday
1–3:30 p.m., $2,500 per year

Monday through Friday
1–3:30 p.m., $5,750 per year