Play Lab: Marble Mazes
Use cardboard to construct a maze then navigate your marble through the twists and turns.
Hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. | Fri. & Sat. till 8 p.m.
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Use cardboard to construct a maze then navigate your marble through the twists and turns.
Use cardboard to construct a maze then navigate your marble through the twists and turns.
Use cardboard to construct a maze then navigate your marble through the twists and turns.
Use cardboard to construct a maze then navigate your marble through the twists and turns.
Get crafty and construct musical instruments out of carboard!
Get crafty and construct musical instruments out of carboard!
Get crafty and construct musical instruments out of carboard!
Get crafty and construct musical instruments out of carboard!
Get crafty and construct musical instruments out of carboard!
Get crafty and construct musical instruments out of carboard!
Get crafty and construct musical instruments out of carboard!
Use cardboard to build a racetrack for your matchbox cars, Tech Decks, or other toy vehicles!
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Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.