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Museum will be closed Friday, October 25 for the Play Ball gala.

Events Calendar

Don't miss upcoming events, performances, and workshops at the museum!

Play Lab: Levers

Recurring Recurring Event
Location Play Lab

Join us in the Play Lab this week to learn about the function and many uses of levers all around us and construct your own!

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Play Lab: Levers

Recurring Recurring Event
Location Play Lab
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February Break Week Rodeo Adventure

Recurring Recurring Event

Join The Strong for a week of Rodeo Fun! Dress up as a rodeo star and take on equestrian challenges! Have some farmhouse fun at […]

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Fashion Design Through Printmaking Workshop

Recurring Recurring Event
Location Play Lab

Combining the technical skills of lino-printing with the creativity of fashion design, local artist Lizz DeSimone will help participants imagine and create a unique print. […]

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Visitor Information

Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.