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Museum will be closed Friday, October 25 for the Play Ball gala.

Events Calendar

Don't miss upcoming events, performances, and workshops at the museum!

Spin Master Summer of Play Week 8: Rubik’s 50th Anniversary Celebration

Recurring Recurring Event
Location Play Lab

Celebrate 50 years of Rubik’s Cube with Spin Master and The Strong! Explore the classic 3x3 cube, challenge your problem-solving skills with Rubik’s Gridlock, and […]

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National Toy Hall of Fame Eras Tour: Groovy Toys

Recurring Recurring Event
Location Adams Atrium

Play with groovy toys from the 60s and 70s in the Adams Atrium. This week highlights the Rubik’s Cube, Etch-A-Sketch, the Hula Hoop, Lite Brite, […]

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Pete The Cat Meet & Greet

Recurring Recurring Event
Location Adams Atrium

Visit the Adams Atrium from August 22–September 2 to meet a very special feline guest, Pete the Cat! Strike a silly pose or get a […]

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Visitor Information

Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.