Villain Takeover
Dress up like your favorite villain and join us as famous comic book, fairy tale, and movie villains take-over The Strong Museum! Face comic book […]
Hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. | Fri. & Sat. till 8 p.m.
Don't miss upcoming events, performances, and workshops at the museum!
Dress up like your favorite villain and join us as famous comic book, fairy tale, and movie villains take-over The Strong Museum! Face comic book […]
Learn how roller coasters are constructed and build a coaster to roll a marble down!
Watch architects, engineers, artisans, and students compete to design and build giant structures made entirely from full cans of food in the Adams Atrium. After […]
Celebrate the joy of reading! Hear children’s stories read aloud on select Mondays and be whisked away on literary adventures as part of the Carol […]
Learn how roller coasters are constructed and build a coaster to roll a marble down!
Watch architects, engineers, artisans, and students compete to design and build giant structures made entirely from full cans of food in the Adams Atrium. After […]
Learn how roller coasters are constructed and build a coaster to roll a marble down!
Watch architects, engineers, artisans, and students compete to design and build giant structures made entirely from full cans of food in the Adams Atrium. After […]
Learn how roller coasters are constructed and build a coaster to roll a marble down!
Watch architects, engineers, artisans, and students compete to design and build giant structures made entirely from full cans of food in the Adams Atrium. After […]
Celebrate the power of play at The Strong’s annual Play Ball gala! Contact Kylee Fassler at for more information. Ticket information will be available […]
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Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.