Hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. | Fri. & Sat. till 8 p.m.
Download The Strong’s 2023 Year in Review PDF.
Empire State Development
Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation
U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration
The Coleman Family
ESL Federal Credit Union
Suzanne Goodman & Tony Goodman
Alan & Vivien Hassenfeld
The Hassenfeld Family Foundation
Austin McChord
National Endowment for the Humanities
Prof. George D. J. Phillies, D.Sc
The Riedman Foundation
The Mary C. Valentine & Andrew R. Cosman Trusts
Joanne Fox
William & Sheila Konar Foundation
Institute of Museum and Library Services
LeChase Construction Services, LLC
Lisk Morris Foundation, Inc.
Linda S. Margolin
Monroe County
New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature
Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation
Harvey Simmons
Toy Association & Toy Foundation
The Louis S. & Molly B. Wolk Foundation
Zeke & Jane Duda and the Duda Family Foundation
M&T Charitable Foundation
Dr. Vivian A. Palladoro
Paychex Charitable Foundation
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Bernard & Lisa Birnbaum
David & Margaret Burns
The Ashley & Megen Cheng Family Foundation
Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation
Davenport-Hatch Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Dennis Denenberg
Steve & Claire Dubnik
Max & Marian Farash Charitable Foundation
Fidelis Care
Barbara & Patrick Fulford
Nan & Tom Hildebrandt
Ellen Liman
Marty & Darcy Mucci
Aaron Newman
Kilian J. and Caroline F. Schmitt Foundation
Jo Anne M. Smith & Fred W. Smith
Robin H. Wyatt
Charles J. and Burton S. August Family Foundation
Guha Bala
Karthik Bala
Brown & Brown of New York, Inc.
CJS Architects
Chris & Jill Czarnecki
The DelMonte Family
Bonnie Erickson & Wayde Harrison
ESL Charitable Foundation
Joan Feinbloom
Frankfurt Kurnit Klein and Selz PC
Harter Secrest & Emery LLP
Todd Howard
LaBella Associates, P.C.
John & Daryl Lillie
Lilly Endowment Inc.
William & Sharon Mack
Microsoft Xbox
National Archives’ National Historical Publications and Records Commission
New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services
New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
Iris & Mort November
Dr. Brigitt Rok-Potamkin
Fred Aten, Jr. & Cathy Kaman Ryan
Laura Saxby Lynch & John Lynch
Spin Master Ltd.
David & Bonnie Swinford
Matthew & Amy Tomaino
Jay & Anna Tummelson
Jeff & Jen Valentine
Waldron Rise Foundation
G. Rollie Adams
American Dairy Association North East
Birnbaum Companies
Broadstone Net Lease, Inc.
William Buckingham
Conifer Realty, LLC.
Jim & Andrea Costanza and the Costanza Family Foundation
DDS Construction, LLC
Fred L. Emerson Foundation
Evans Bank
Ed Fries
Jane L. Glazer and Laurence C. Glazer Charitable Trust
Glover-Crask Charitable Trust
William & Rhonda Goodrich
Dr. Cecilia Griffin Golden
Hallowell Fund
HB Cornerstone
Warren & Joyce Heilbronner
Arnold & Georgeann Hendrick
Arthur S. Hengerer, MD
Indus Hospitality Group
Christine Klos & Don White
Konar Properties
R. Wayne & Beverly LeChase
LiDestri Food & Beverage
M/E Engineering, P.C.
Materne North America
New York State Energy Research & Development Authority
Nocon & Associates
Sara Rexford
Rochester Area Community Foundation
Rubens Family Foundation
Kyle & Nicole Sayers
Anne Sevier Buckingham
William & Ivette Shaheen
John and Jayne Summers Foundation Inc.
To-Jo Mushrooms, Inc.
Anne Williams
Dawn Williams-Fuller
Mee Wing & Jerry McSpadden
AAA Western & Central New York
Accurate Acoustical
Action for a Better Community, Inc.James Ahearn
Ajay Glass Co.
Alstom Signaling Foundation
Ames-Amzalak Charitable Trust
John & Lisa Anderson
Thomas and Carolyn Argust
Fred Aten
Autism Learning Partners
Jill Barad
Lauren Bauerlein
Mark & Irina Benoit
Christopher Bensch
Doris Bergen
Bill Gray’s Restaurants
Mark & Karen Blazey
Stuart & Betsy Bobry
Bolton St. Johns
The Bonadio Group
Peter Briggs & Lauren Barker
Joseph & Nancy Briggs
James & Paula Briggs
Brinkman International Group, Inc.
Darwin & Trella Bromley
John & Barbara Bruning
Buckingham Properties
Daniel & Denise Burns
Collene Burns & McLean Bulmer
Neal Burns & Jennifer Parr
Cabot Cheese
Alan Cameros
Canandaigua National Bank & Trust (Genesee Valley Trust)
Ralph and Eleanor Cantisano Family Foundation
City of Rochester
Constellation Energy
Corning Incorporated Foundation
Costanza Enterprises, Inc.
Cottone Auctions
Joyce & David Crofton
Ralph & Colleen Dandrea
Paul DeCarolis
David & Debby DeJoy
DeJoy & Co.
John & Elaine Del Monte
Del Monte Hotel Group
Alexander & Claire Del Monte
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Dermatology Associates of Rochester
Diamond Packaging
Matt Drake
Erika Duthiers & Christopher Simmons
Matthew & Lauren Emens
Carla Engelbrecht
Entertainment Software Association
Entertainment Software Association Foundation
Eugene G. Sackett Co., Inc.
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
Brian Fargo
Federated Investors
Lisa Feinstein
Fenwick and West LLP
First American Equipment Finance
Bennett & Caitlin Forsyth Kireker
Fowler Bros. Inc.
Joel Frater
Tom Frisina
Dennis & Kelly Gagan
Mike Gioja & Tabitha Mapstone-Gioja
Ken & Erin Glazer
Steve & Kelly Goldstein
B. Thomas Golisano Foundation
David L. Gosper
Greater Hudson Heritage Network
David & Vicki Grenewetzki
Bruce Hack
Peggy Hammond
Christopher Harris & Christine Ferris
Hasbro, Inc.
HCR Home Care
Jane Henson Foundation
Humanities New York
Interactive Entertainment Law Group
Martin Jarzebowski & Mahta Mortezavi
JP Morgan Private Bank (NYC)
Tom Kalinske
Kelley Bros., LLC
Kelly Schultz Antiques
Christian & Christina Krapf
Nelson Leenhouts
M&T Bank
Madame Alexander Doll Company
Ellen & Tim Maher
Richard Malinich
Faheem Masood
James & Nona Maurer
Linda McGinley
Reena Mehta & Dashiell Flynn
Ted & Candace Messner
Messner Flooring
William Michaelis
Kailly & Tom Mintel
David & Jean Mitchell
Monroe Piping & Sheet Metal, LLC
Benjamin & Amanda Mudrick
Andrew Mui
Brian Murray
Richard Nangreave & Olga Mendez
National Science Foundation
Nazareth University
Shelby Nelson & Lewis Rothberg
William O’Connor
O’Donnell and Associates
Martin & Brenda O’Toole
Guido and Ellen Palma Foundation
Partners + Napier
Amber Paulsen
Paychex, Inc.
Pepsi Beverages Company
Perry’s Ice Cream Co., Inc.
The Pike Companies, LTD.
Play Monster LLC
Sara & Mark Poe
Carole Postal
Power Management Company
Prime, Buchholz & Associates, Inc.
Stanley & April Purdie
Wealth Enhancement Group – The QCI Team
Trudy & Jeff Quartley
Jay & Peg Rachfal
Bruce & Meryl Raiffe
Ramar Steel Sales, Inc.
Raw Fury
William Rice & Mary Ann Monley
Don & Reva Riley
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Regional Health
Rochester Regional Library Council
Hilda Rosario Escher
Karl Rosengren & Sarah Mangelsdorf
Steven Russell & Phyllis Rifkin-Russell
Amy & Alex Ryan
Joy Ryen Plotnik & Ronald Plotnik
Sage Rutty and Company
Sago Mini
Nancy Sands
Katie & James Scheirer
Gabby & Bryan Schoff
Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.
John Schultz
Stephen & Vicki Schultz
Simon Business School
Sidney & Barbara Sobel
Matt Squires
Corky and Rick Steiner Family Foundation
Larry & Mary Louise Steinwachs
Stenzel Family Donor Advised Fund
Stern Pinball
Clinton Sugnet & Ryan Ilgi
Christian Svensson
Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
TDF Theatre Development Fund
Technical Systems Group, Inc.
Tipping Point Communications
Tompkins Financial Advisors
USI Insurance Services
Robert & Florence Van Duyn Charitable Foundation
Visit Rochester
Mike Vorhaus
Wahl Media, Inc.
Mark Weaver
WellNow Urgent Care
Whitney & Company
Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation
Iris Zimmermann & Kevin Nowack
Zweigle’s Inc.
A.R. Pierrepont Company, Inc.
AAC Contracting, Inc
Eric & Emily Abate
Abbott’s Frozen Custard, Inc.
David & Betsy Ahl
Julio Ahumada & Karen Bradbury
Peter Alau
Devin Allen
Sonya Allen
Alsop Louie Partners
AmazonSmile Foundation
American Packaging Corporation
Antique Toy Collector’s Association
ARC of Monroe
Jason & Jennifer Arena
Robert & Susan Aser
Michelle Ashby & Tom O’Connor
Ashford Dance
Jack & Lisa Baron
Mary Barone
Stephanie Bean
Michael Beckwith
Jenn & Craig Beideman
Richard & Wendy Bello
Michael Bellreng
Matt & Roberta Benedict
Benevolence Fund Charitable Checking Account
Chris & Valerie Benjamin
David & Rachel Berk
Holly & James Bertsch
Betson Enterprises
Ricki Birnbaum
David Bisceglia
Ralph Black & Susan Murphy
Benjamin & Jane Blakely
Emma Bliss
Richard Bloom
Alexa Blue
Harold & Terri Bobry
Melanie Bobry & Daniel Polant
Hillary Bobys & Paul Audi
Bob Boden
Emily Borgus
Edward & Margaret Boucher
Michelle Boucher & Andrew Reeves
John & Nancy Bowley
Joe & Rebecca Boyd
Boyd Capital Management LLC
Jonathan Brach
Adam Braveman
Michael Brawley & Irene Densen
Break the Ice Media
Daniel Bree
Joseph & Nancy Briggs
Bright Lethin Fund
Brighton Securities
Jenn Brisson & Ryan Bickel
Bristol Mountain Winter Resort
James Brock
The Brooklyn Home
David & Anna Brown
John & Barbara Bruning
James & Carmen Brush
Matt & Kelly Ann Bucci
Aidan Burke
Timothy & Rebecca Burkey
Katrina Busch-Quinn & John Quinn
Marc Bushallow & Katie Hess
Butler/Till Media Services, Inc.
California Community Foundation
John Callan & Katie Callan
John Carpenter
Richard Cava & Robyn Holmes
Joe Celso
Andrew Centauro
Hugh & Shara Chisholm
Patricia & Gabe Chodak
Michael & Stephanie Cicero
Alfred Clark, Jr. & Patricia Clark
Susan Clarke
David Clinton
CloudCheckr, Inc.
Marc Cohen & Emily Marullo
Ryan & Amy Cole
Isaiah & Yvonne Colton
Dan Connors
John & Rhonda Connors
Constellation Brands, Inc.
Todd Coopee & Daniel Leonard
Cornell/Weinstein Family Foundation
Tim & Lori Crimmins
Michael Crunk
Deborah Culeton
Craig & Donna Curran
Keri Curtis
Don & Marta Daglow
Robert & Janice Daitz
Dale Carnegie
Kathleen Sisson & William Dalton
Rick & Tracey D’Ambrosia
Danisco US Inc.
Darkwind Media Ltd
Datto, Inc.
Dawson Law Firm
Ravi Deb
Michael DeBadts
Jimmy & Rachel DeGuzman
James & Crystal Deignan
Erik & SaraJane Deisinger
Brian DeJoy
DGA Builders
Kevin & Julie Dickens
Digital Development Management
Digital Hyve
Richard & Allison DiMarco
Joel & Katy DiMarco
DiMarco Group
John & Susan Dineen
Dixon Schwabl + Company
Ben & Larissa Dobrzynski
Karen Dodson
Rachel Dolan
Brendan Dolan
Brian & Amanda Donovan
Doodle Bugs! Children’s Centers
Jerry & Kim Dougherty
John & Mary Lou Dredger
Eric Dreyfuss
Mackenzie & Gannon Dubay
Samuel Dubay
Janelle Duda & Rob Banwar
Dunkin’ Brands
Deborah & Philip Dwyer
Stephen & Pauline Dyson
Ursula & Jon-Paul Dyson
David Egner
Marjorie & Stephen Elder
Scott & Jessica Ellsworth
David & Molly Emmi
Endless Highway
Entre Computer Services
Episcopal SeniorLife Communities
Erdle Foundation
EthanMaya Development
Eugene Evans
Facehead Digital
Nick & Rory Fanandakis
Carl Fantauzzo
Regina Farrell
Greg & Kylee Fassler
Ken & Brigitte Fedesna
Donald Harrington & Allison Fegley
Stanley & Reenie Feingold
Five Star Bank
Ilene Flaum
Loren & Jamie Flaum
Flaum Management Company, Inc.
Pamela Fletcher
Jim & Judi Fonzi
Elaine Frank
Boaz Frankel
Mary Therese & Kent Friel
G & J Contracting, Inc
Andrew & Karen Gallina
David Gardner
Nancy Gardner
Paul Gardner & Rose Pleninger
Garlock Sealing Technologies
Genesee Division of the NY District of Kiwanis International
Genesee Valley BOCES
Brittany Genovese
Charlie & Melissa Giambrone
Adam & Marybeth Gillan
Susan & John Gillan
Ed & Kelly Gilligan
Catherine & Myranda Gillow
Rick Glazer
Mary Gleason & Michael Patric
Glove House Inc.
Andre & Melinda Godfrey
The Goddard School
Deborah G. Goldman
William Wise & Tristin Goodness
Debbie & Michael Gordon
Hannah Grape
Robert Gray
Brooke & John Green
GreenSpark Solar
Michael & Joanna Grosodonia
Michael & Eileen Grossman
Andrew & Alyson Grossman
Jennifer Gruenberg
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Anthony Gugino & Earlene Siebold
Tiago Guimaraes
Bernadette Guzzardo
James Haefner
Mary McCrank & Laurie Haelen
Hammer Packaging
Susan Hannan
Janice Harbin & Walter Lee
Jim & Cheryl Harisis
Harris Beach PLLC
Tony Murray & Christine Hartlieb
The Hawkins Foundation
Mike Hayes & Ann Jack
Matthew Heimbueger
Claudette Hercules
High Probability Advisors
Jeff Hilbert
Mary Hildebrandt
Hillyard, Inc.
Sanjay & Allyson Hiranandani
Hobby House Toys
Frederick & Susan Holderle
Chris & Susan Holliday
Andrew & Kathleen Holt
Howe & Rusling
Joseph Huber
Patrick Hudson
Lamonze Hunter
Mike & Meredith Hurley
Joseph & Ann Hurlimann
Jeanne Hutchins
Greg Hyman
Info Advantage Inc.
Intel Foundation
Barbara Isenberg
Ladi Iya & Patrick Hughes
Joshua Jacobs & Patrick O’Neill
Henry Jacobson & Amanda Lang
Danielle Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Alex & Samantha Jones
Just Games Rochester
Bradley Justice
Carmel & Jeremy Kalinowski
Judith & Stuart Kaplan
Kathryn & Eric Triplett Family Fund
Shauna & Jarrod Keesler
Wayne Kirkpatrick
Lynne Kirst
Michael Kiviat
Kiwanis Club of Greece New York Foundation
Klein Reinforcing Services, Inc.
Klein Steel Service, Inc.
Joan & Thomas Kobayashi
Carly Kocurek
Elina & Michael Kokorotsis
Esther Krakower
David Krotz
Jonathan & Kathleen Krotz
Courtney Lafferty & Collin Preston
Alfred & Kathleen Laitenberger
Peter & Kathy Landers
Landsman Development Corp.
Luisa & Andrew Laniak
Lisa LaRose
Erica Larsen
Shawn Layden
Gregg Layer
Anthony LeBlanc
Charis Lee
Legacy Interactive Inc.
Michael & Christy Lesher
Vanessa Lewis
Ken Lewis
The Lodge
Amanda Loitsch
Dave & Kelly Long
Matt Long
Robert Lowenthal, Jr.
Megan & Sean Lucey
Jennifer Lunsford & Scott Hildebrandt
Andy Maas
Magnatag Visible Solutions
John & Nicole Mahoney
Mark Malahosky
Manning and Napier Advisors, Inc.
Manning Squires Hennig Co., Inc.
Margeaux & Kevin Marafioti
Kevin Marafioti
Caryl Marchand
Mark IV Enterprises, Inc.
Markert & Cominolli
The Marshall Rochester
Sidney & Toni Marshall
The Martin Group
Peggy Martin
Massie Family Fund
Laura & Sarah Masterson
Jeffrey & Helen Mattox
Joseph & Julie Mayernik
Bradley & Cindy Mayo
Anne McConnell
Deborah McCoy & Lance Beyer
Allison McGrath
Pam McGreevy
Gail McGreevy Harmon
Meghan McGuire
Bruce & Eleanor McLear
Kevin McNulty
Chris Puckey & Elaine McVicar
Ronald Mead
Jagat & Manjula Mehta
Richard Nangreave & Olga Mendez
Zach & Hannalore Merritt
John & Tabitha Messner
Matt & Jessica Metras
Angelle Micheaux
Mikyoung Kim Design
Craig Miller
Michael Miller & Vanessa Sheldon
Michael & Tara Minor
Joe Minton
David & Janet Mirsky
Ian Mitchell
Deanne Molinari
Monroe Veterinary Associates
John & Jacqueline Mooney
Duncan Moore
John & Sarah Moragne
Joseph Morelle
Joseph & Mary Beth Morelle
Amy & Brent Mucci
Christina & Peter Muench
Gary & Karen Muisus
Jason Mull
Matt Murphy
Mutual of America
Robert & Jill Myers
The Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation
Chris & Kristi Neidel
Evelyn Newman
Cheryl Nichols
James & Lois Norman
Jason Oaks & Katherine Chiappinelli
Sharon OCampo
John O’Connell
Jeanne O’Connor
John O’Donnell
Megan O’Donnell
Dan O’Donnell & Jen Huyck
Jen & Brendan O’Hara
Diane Olin
John O’Neil
Philip & Anna Orbanes
Victor Oshinyemi
Adem & Edina Osmanovic
Michael Pachter
Kyra Padula & Peter Vars
Jeffrey & Lisa Paille
Jennifer & Christopher Parks
Michelle Parnett-Dwyer & Patrick Dwyer
Steve & Wendy Pasierb
Jonah & Jennifer Patel
PathStone Enterprise Center
Robert & Nicole Pease
Cassandra Peltzer & John Lewis
Scott & Laurie Peslak
Laurie Phelps
Phillips Lytle LLP
Richard & Sherri Pierpont
Jake & Kerry Pierson
Play Makers Leadership Council
Point Source Group
Popli Design Group
Popli Family Fund
Postler & Jaeckle Corp.
Mary Presutti
Pati & Bruno Primerano
Fran Pullano
Pullano & Company
John Pupo
Chris Quarter
R.L. Kistler Inc.
Ron & Sally Rabinowitz
Jerry & Christine Randise
Steve & Linda Rauh
James & Paul Reed
Jane Reid
Martin Reinhardt & Trish Rowe
Shane Rhinewald
Michael Richtmeyer
Destree Rickard
Nancy Robbins
Benjamin Robelo
Nathan & Susan Robfogel
Roc Brewing Co.
Rochester Clinical Research
Rock Environmental
Roland Orthodontics
Anthony & Leanne Rorick
Amy Rosenfeld
Lydia Rotella
Amanda Rothfuss
Mark & Lisa Rothrock
William & Ruth Russell
Ajay & Aparna Sabherwal
Sands Family Foundation Inc.
Ray & Anna Santana
Jeremy & Tara Saucier
Ellen Saxby
Julie & John Schantz
Schindler Elevator Corp.
Timothy & Roseann Schmid
Dirk & Renee Schneider
Richard & Joyce Schreiber
Second Avenue Software
Andrew Setter & Heather Biehler
Madeline Severski
Joe Seymour
The Hutchurson Family
David Sharkey
Robert & Barbara Shaw
Patti Sheldon
Steven & Lisa Shemirani
TJ Shepard
Carol Shields
Ed & Molly Shill
Greg & Tracey Singer
Herb & Monica Skerker
Stephen & Beth Skrainar
Amy & Dan Slakes
Reid & Franki Smith
Adam & Meredith Smith
Lee & Michelle Sommerman
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Carol Spencer
Timothy & Maura Sprague
Barry Steinberg
Stency Wegman Yoga
Deborah & Edward Stendardi
Lisa Stolfi
Mike & Erin Streb
Daniel Streicher
Ted & Mary Ann Strohmeyer
Lynne Styles
Sugary Delights
Super City Rochester
Frank Szczepaniak
T. Rowe Price
James Tabbi
Target Victor
Tasteful Connections, Inc.
Taylor-Brown Family Foundation
TD Ameritrade
Georgiana Thoman
Paul Thomas
Thomson Reuters
TJX Foundation
Toptica Photonics
William Tribelhorn
John Trickey
Rick Tucker
Tucker Printers
Chaton & Jeryn Turner
U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
UBS Financial Services
Ukrainian Federal Credit Union
University of Rochester
Feargus Urquhart
Victoria & Norman Van Voorhis
Vardata LLC
Taylor & Blair Veenema
Athena Visel
Linda Vitale
Susan Vogel-Vanderson & David Vanderson
Erik & Judy von Bucher
Pete & Donna VonDerlinn
Maria Vowles & Justin Vowles
Bob Wann
Warner School of Education
Jim Watters & Therese Hannigan
Brian & Colleen Weaver
Konstanze Wegman
Irene & Alan Weinberg
Doug & Maryellen Weins
John & Dinah Weisberg
Jordan Weisman
Lesley Loss & Joshua Weitz
Linda Weller
Michael Wells
Westminster Barrington Foundation
W.J. & Sally-Ann Whelan
Kate & Patrick Whitman
Deborah Whitt
Angela & Tim Wiesmore
Ronald & Liz Willie
Heather Williams
Shannon & Jimmy Wilmot
Courtney Winslow
Matt Winslow
Don Kollmorgen & Louise Woerner
Alicia & Tyler Wolk
Marvin Wolk
Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP
Laurie Work
Wright Beverage Distributing
Xerox Corporation
Jim Yake
Philip & Cheryl Yawman
Maria & Tom Zaso
Kyle Zawisky
Dianne Zielinski
Zimmet Group
G. Rollie Adams
Frank Carmen
Elizabeth Ann Coleman
Raymond J. Cunningham
Albert O. Fenyvessy
Grada Hopeman Gelser
David Gosper
Jean E. Groff
Arthur S. Hengerer, MD
Linda S. Margolin
Grace R. Phelps
Prof. George D. J. Phillies, D.Sc
Jo Anne M. Smith & Fred W. Smith
Susheela Sripati
The Mary C. Valentine & Andrew R. Cosman Trusts
Mark L. Weaver
Gladys M. Whitehead
Robin H. Wyatt
AAA Western and Central New York
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Al Alcorn
Alexander Eye Associates
Ape & Canary
Aquarium of Niagara
Arc & Flame Center
Mark Baer
Jill Barad
Gabriel Baum
Bernunzio Uptown Music
Bill Gray’s Restaurants
Bernard & Lisa Birnbaum
Black Button Distilling
BOA Editions, Ltd.
Bopt Inc.
Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens
Buffalo Bills, Inc.
Buffalo Bison
Buffalo Museum of Science
Buffalo Zoo
David & Margaret Burns
Nolan Bushnell
Cabot Cheese
Cobblestone Creek Country Club
Compass Cycle & Flow
Cornell’s Jewelers
Corning Museum of Glass
David Cowles
Crayola Experience
Don Daglow
Del Monte Hotel Group
Steve & Claire Dubnik
Zeke & Jane Duda
Erika Duthiers & Christopher Simmons
Elite Island Resorts
Entertainment Software Rating Board
Bonnie Erickson & Wayde Harrison
Ethan Allen
Eye Openers Optical Fashions
Lisa M. Feinstein
Fisher-Price (Mattel)
Frank Pearce
Colleen Fritz
Raj Garg
Genesee Country Village & Museum
Geva Theatre Center
Glimmerglass Festival
Good Luck
Goodman Bakes
Graycliff Frank Lloyd Wright
Christopher Harris & Christine Ferris
Hasbro, Inc.
Hearth and Heather Co.
High Peaks Resort
Rich Hilleman
Hilton Garden Inn Pittsford
Hobby House Toys
Ryan Ilgi
Indus Hospitality Group
Jembetat Gallery & Cafe
Just Games Rochester
Tom Kalinske
Harmeet Kaur
Shawn Layden
Lumos Infrared Sauna
M&T Bank
Joseph Mayernik
Reena Mehta & Dashiell Flynn
Memorial Art Gallery
Joseph Meyer
Ellen Michalets
Mike Morhaime
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
One Hope
Scott Orr
Oxford Pennant
Pinnacle Wine & Liquor
Mark & Sara Poe
Popcorn Charlie’s
Residential & Commercial Pest Pros
John Roberts
Roc Refresh
Rochester Community Baseball, Inc.
Rochester Museum & Science Center
Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra
Rochester/Downtown Courtyard by Marriott
Tom Rogers
Rosamond Gifford Zoo
Ryan & Sons Painting
Arline Santiago
Laura Saxby Lynch & John Lynch
Seabreeze Amusement Park
Seneca Park Zoo Society
Sesame Workshop
Simply Crepes
Fred & Jo Anne Smith
Sherri Smith
SONY & PlayStation
Spoke Cycle and Fitness
Sugnet Photo
Tantalo Photography
The Gem Lab
The Pokemon Company International
The SSA Group
Tipping Point Communications
Toy Association and Foundation
Tuthill Lighting
Vault Cycle + Box + Move
Vega Plastic Surgery & Medspa
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
West Elm
Mary Wilson
Mee Wing & Jerry McSpadden
Louise Woerner & Don Kollmorgen
Maureen Wolfe
Woodcliff Hotel & Spa
Clova Anderson
Stephanie Asmis
Nicole Bacomo
Mark Baer
Lawrence Benenson
Bonnie Bennett
Howard Blumenthal
Hillary Bobys and Paul Audi
Bob Boden
Andrew Borman
Jennifer Bowen
Heather Brendel
Christian Brennan
Jan Brett
Joseph Brewer
Dan Buchanan
Gene Buckle
Peter Bullock
Gordon Burghardt
Nancy Bushnell
Sharon Campbell
Christian Carrion
Lisa Clark
Stephan Clarke
Elizabeth Coleman
Jim Colley
Bob Collins
Julie and John Conner
Kathy Connor
Robert Cooper, Sr. and Robert Cooper, Jr.
Elizabeth Crocker
Brad Crow
Chris and Lisa Curch
Frank Darrow
Michael DeMott
Linda Dennis
Steve Desroches
Margrit Diehl
Alakesh Dihbar
Amy Discenza
Mike Doepke
Steve Dubnik
Scott Elder
Michele Em
Shifra Epstein
Bonnie Erickson
Jeanette Fafone
Lisa Feinstein
William Fischer
Des Freedman
Gary Gaskin
Mike Gavin
Alan Gerson
Eleanor Giannelli
Martin Gibbins
Cynthia Gilbert
Rob Goldberg
Mike Goldman
Cleo Gougoulis
Michael and Lorrie Graham
Victoria Gray
David Grossman
Jack and Nancy Haar
John Hammon
Jerold Hamza
Elizabeth Hargrave
Christopher Harris
Sharon Haydon
Georgeann Hendrick
Craig Hendrickson
Diana Herrmann
Marnie Herzfeld
Kimberly Hess and Mark Toigo
James Holzhauer
Dan Howe
William Hoyt
Francesco Iorio
Steve Jacobs
James Jones
Bradley Justice
Catherine Keen
Jennifer Kennedy
Daniel Ketchum
Lynn Kinsman
Arlene Koci
Christina Kolberg
Martin Korn
Bob Kourofsky
Russ Kumro
Lindsey Kurano
Annette Laurence
John Lawson
Donna Lederman
Pinch Lee
Mark Lesser
Dee Lindner
Josef Lindner
Joel Lindstrom
Janice Linn
Antonietta Loffredo
Tom Loughry
Dana Matteson
Brian McCarty
Terrence McDonnell
Kevin McNulty
Daniel Mendelson
Ursula Mertz
Lucille Micari
William Michaelis
Ellen Michalets, Andrew Michalets, and Jen Michalets Frost
Mike Mika
Andrew Molloy
Alan Moon
Catherine Moyer
Adam Nedeff
Deborah Neff
Roberta Nettnin
Brendan Nolan
Leo Olebe
Diane Olin
Josh Ostrander
Nick Parfitt
Michelle Parnett-Dwyer
Jack and Barbara Paulson
Lori Peloquin and Ted Retzlaff
Greta Pennell
Andrew Perkins
George Phillies
Meg Prata
Renee Price
Jason Rauck
Marian Reau
Martin Reinhardt
Danielle Reynolds
Casey Roberson
Brigitt Rok Potamkin
Elaine Romberg
Bob Rozler
Ed Rozmiarek
Elan Ruskin
Kristin Rydholm
José Maria de Aguiar Sarinho Júnior
Kay Savetz
Paul Scheib
Morgan Schlesinger
Lisa Schmidt
Robert Schott
Barbara Seifert Meyers
Owen Sessions
Matt Shoemaker
David Sleasman
Margaret Smith
Jeremy Sniatecki
Jason Spangler
Caroline Spencer
Marie Stareck
Jan Steuart
Jeremy Stone
Nicolas Suttner
MJ Szydlowski
Mark Terpin
Kathleen Tutone
Julia Van Haaften
Athena Vander Wyst
Ryan Vickers
Linda Walker
Gordon Walton
Suzanne Weinberg
Kate Wescott
Ralph Whitten
Eric Wilder
Anne Williams
Robert Wray
Randy Youmans
1st Playable Productions
Belles & Chimes: Madison
Blue Marble
Creativity, Inc.
Genesee Country Village & Museum
Jazwares Lego Systems, Inc.
Magna-Tiles Mattel, Inc.
Play Monster LLC.
Playmobil USA, Inc.
Reeves International, Inc.
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Spin Master Ltd.
Stonemaier Games
Super Rare Games
Thames & Kosmos
The Ashley Bryan Center
Volition Games
Witch Beam
Doris Bergen
Department of Educational Psychology
Miami University (Emerita)
Ian Bogost
Film and Media Studies
Computer Science & Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
Simon J. Bronner
Department of Social Sciences and Business
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Gordon M. Burghardt
Department of Psychology
and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Tennessee
Garry Chick
Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management
Pennsylvania State University (Emeritus)
Howard Chudacoff
Department of History
Brown University
Rhonda Clements
School of Education
Manhattanville College
Gary Cross
Department of History
Pennsylvania State University
David Elkind
Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development
Tufts University (Emeritus)
Mary Flanagan
Film and Media Studies
Dartmouth College
Miriam Forman-Brunell
Department of History
University of Missouri–Kansas City
Doris Pronin Fromberg
Teaching, Literacy, and Leadership
Hofstra University (Emerita)
Kyra D. Gaunt
Department of Music and Theater
University of Albany
Peter Gray
Department of Psychology
Boston College
Thomas S. Henricks
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Elon University (Emeritus)
Linda E. Homeyer
College of Education
Texas State University–San Marcos
Joan P. Isenberg
Graduate School of Education
George Mason University (Emerita)
Olga S. Jarrett
College of Education
Georgia State University (Emerita)
Jesper Juul
The School of Desgin
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Terry Marks-Tarlow
Private Practice, Santa Monica, California
Insight Center, Los Angeles
Amy Ogata
Department of Art History
University of Southern California
Anthony Pellegrini
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Minnesota (Emeritus)
Sergio Pellis
Department of Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge
Charles E. Schaefer
School of Psychology
Fairleigh Dickinson University (Emeritus)
Allan Schore
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
University of California at Los Angeles
David Geffen School of Medicine
Marjorie Taylor
Psychology Department
University of Oregon (Emerita)
T.L. Taylor
Comparative Media Studies/Writing
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michael Berenstain
Author and Illustrator
Stuart L. Brown
National Institute for Play
Mary Couzin
Executive Director
Chicago Toy and Game Group
Gary S. Cross
Distinguished Professor, Modern History
Pennsylvania State University
Tony Elam
Game Collector
Director of Strategic Initiatives, University of Kentucky
Principal, Elam Consulting
Judith Ellis
Chairperson, Toy Design Department
Fashion Institute of Technology
Joe Fryer
West Coast Correspondent, NBC News
Richard Gottlieb
Richard Gottlieb’s USA Toy Experts
Claire S. Green
Parents’ Choice Foundation
Cheryl Henson
The Jim Henson Foundation
Clark T. King
Game and Toy Collector
Eugene Metcalf, Jr.
Professor Emeritus, American Studies
Miami University
Anthony Pellegrini
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Minnesota (Emeritus)
Gerard J. Puccio
Chairperson and Professor
International Center for Studies in Creativity
Buffalo State
Amy Rosenfeld
Senior Coordinating Producer
Deborah Ryan
Chairperson, Toy Design Department
Otis College of Art and Design
Dorothy Justus Sluss
Professor, College of Education
Director, Elementary Education MAT Program
James Madison University
Edwin J.C. Sobey
Northwest Invention Center
Timothy M. Stearns
Coleman Foundation Chair in Entrepreneurial Studies
Director, Lyles Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
California State University, Fresno
Marianne M. Szymanski
Toy Tips, Inc.
Marjorie Taylor
Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology
University of Oregon
Tim Walsh
Fearless Leader
The Playmakers
Bruce Whitehill
Games Historian
Arthur Yorinks
Writer and Director
Jean-Michel Blottiére
Program Chair Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Ian Bogost
Professor, School of Literature, Media and Communications
Georgia Tech (United States)
James Brightman
Editor in Chief GamesIndustry.biz | Gamer Network (United States)
Peichi Chung
Associate Professor
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mia Consalvo
Canada Research Chair, Games Studies and Design Concordia University (Canada)
Tristan Donovan
Author, Replay: The History of Video Games (United Kingdom)
Clara Fernández-Vara
Associate Arts Professor New York University Game Center (United States)
Christopher Grant
Editor in Chief Polygon (United States)
Raiford Guins
Associate Professor of Culture and Technology Stony Brook University (United States)
Nina B. Huntemann
Director of Research and Academics
(United States)
Rachael Hutchinson
Associate Professor of Japanese Studies
Game Studies Research Group
University of Delaware
Stephen Jacobs
Professor, B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology (United States)
Darran Jones
Editor Retro Gamer Magazine (United Kingdom)
Jesper Juul
Associate Professor Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (Denmark)
Yoshi Kishimoto
Tokyo University of Technology
Carly A. Kocurek
Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities and Media Studies
Illinois Institute of Technology (United States)
Chris Kohler
Editor and Writer (United States)
Andreas Lange
Director Computerspielemuseum (Germany)
Elizabeth LaPensée
Game Designer and Writer (United States)
Henry Lowood
Curator, History of Science and Technology Collections; Film and Media Collections
Stanford University (United States)
Andy McNamara
Editor in Chief Game Informer (United States)
Aki Nakamura
Professor Ritsumeikan University (Japan)
James Newman
Professor Bath Spa University (United Kingdom)
Latoya Peterson
Writer and Digital Strategist (United States)
TreaAndrea Russworm
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Kiyoshi Shin
Associate Professor Digital Hollywood University (Japan)
Melanie Swalwell
Associate Professor ARC Future Fellow Flinders University (Australia)
Dean Takahashi
Lead Writer for GamesBeat Venturebeat (United States)