Please refer to this chart when entering included adults counts on the form below. Tiger and Wolf groups include one adult per scout to accommodate BSA requirements.
Scouts | Included Adults |
1-5 | 2 |
6-10 | 3 |
11-15 | 4 |
16-20 | 5 |
21-25 | 6 |
26-30 | 7 |
Hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. | Fri. & Sat. till 8 p.m.
Please refer to this chart when entering included adults counts on the form below. Tiger and Wolf groups include one adult per scout to accommodate BSA requirements.
Scouts | Included Adults |
1-5 | 2 |
6-10 | 3 |
11-15 | 4 |
16-20 | 5 |
21-25 | 6 |
26-30 | 7 |