I am going to visit the ESL Digital Worlds: High Score exhibit at The Strong National Museum of Play.

To visit the exhibit, I will take the stairs or elevator to the second floor with my adult. We will walk past other exhibits where people are playing.
The exhibit has display cases filled with video games and other interesting things. The video game exhibit is exciting. The people having fun playing might laugh and talk loudly.
If the lights or noises bother me, I will ask my adult to take me out.

I can explore and play games that are inducted into the World Video Game Hall of Fame.
I can play a giant game of TV Tennis (on a replica TV) and a humongous version of handheld electronic football. I can play Pac-Man Battle Royale with other guests, too.
If other guests are occupying a game, I will wait my turn. I can watch others playing on a game.
I will stay with my adult while I explore High Score.