Visiting the eGameRevolution Exhibit
I am going to visit the video game exhibit at The Strong Museum.
Museum hosts will be wearing blue shirts, and some may wear a mask. I might see museum workers cleaning and smell cleaning supplies while I am visiting. I can help keep the museum clean, too, by cleaning my hands.
To visit the exhibit, I will go with my adult up the stairs or we will take an elevator to the second floor. The games make noise and have bright lights. Some games are in a dark room. Other games are in brighter spaces. My adult will take me to play the games I like best.

I will need a token for some games. I will ask my adult if we can buy tokens. If we do not buy tokens, there are still other video games to play.
The exhibit also has display cases filled with interesting things. The video game exhibit is exciting. If the lights or noises bother me, I will ask my adult to take me out.
I will not leave the video game exhibit without my adult. I will have fun at the museum!