For more information contact: Shane Rhinewald, The Strong, srhinewald@museumofplay.org;
ROCHESTER, New York—Which toys will make it into the National Toy Hall of Fame this November? Can Breyer Horses gallop across the finish line? Is this Lite-Brite’s year to shine? Will the Masters of the Universe muscle their way to glory? Can Spirograph draw up a victory? Or will Phase 10 play the winning hand?

The Strong’s National Toy Hall of Fame in Rochester, New York, today announced the 12 finalists for induction into the hall: bingo, Breyer Horses, Catan, Lite-Brite, Nerf Toys, Masters of the Universe, piñata, Phase 10, Pound Puppies, Rack-O, Spirograph, and top.
“These 12 toys span the history of play. The top is as old as civilization itself and bingo has been played in some form for hundreds of years. Masters of the Universe and Pound Puppies became classics in the 1980s, but they too have greatly influenced the world of play,” says Christopher Bensch, vice president for collections. “All 12 of these toys have what it takes to be contenders for the class of 2022.”
The National Toy Hall of Fame receives thousands of nominations annually, and this year, fans may vote for their favorite finalists from September 14 to 21 as part of a “Player’s Choice” ballot at toyhalloffame.org. The three toys that receive the most public votes will be submitted and will join the other top-three submissions by members of the National Selection Advisory Committee. (The public will collectively act as one member of the 23-member committee.) The final 2022 toy inductees, chosen based on the ballots, will be announced by The Strong museum on Thursday, November 10, at 10:30 a.m.
The Strong’s National Toy Hall of Famerecognizes toys that have engaged and delighted multiple generations. Criteria for induction include: Icon-status (the toy is widely recognized, respected, and remembered); Longevity (the toy is more than a passing fad and has enjoyed popularity over multiple generations); Discovery (the toy fosters learning, creativity, or discovery through play); and Innovation (the toy profoundly changed play or toy design).
To date, the following 77 toys have been inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame: alphabet blocks, American Girl Doll, Atari 2600 Game System, baby doll, Baby Nancy, ball, Barbie, bicycle, Big Wheel, blanket, bubbles, Candy Land, cardboard box, checkers, chess, Clue, coloring book, Crayola Crayons, dollhouse, dominoes, Duncan Yo-Yo, Dungeons & Dragons, Easy-Bake Oven, Erector Set, Etch A Sketch, Fisher-Price Little People, Frisbee, G.I. Joe, The Game of Life, Hot Wheels, Hula Hoop, jack-in-the-box, jacks, Jenga, jigsaw puzzle, jump rope, kite, LEGO, Lincoln Logs, Lionel Trains, little green army men, Magic 8 Ball, Magic: The Gathering, marbles, Matchbox Cars, Monopoly, Mr. Potato Head, Nintendo Game Boy, paper airplane, pinball, Play-Doh, playing cards, puppet, Radio Flyer Wagon, Raggedy Ann and Andy, Risk, rocking horse, roller skates, rubber duck, Rubik’s Cube, sand, Scrabble, sidewalk chalk, Silly Putty, skateboard, Slinky, Star Wars action figures, stick, Super Soaker, swing, teddy bear, Tinkertoy, Tonka Trucks, Twister, Uno, View-Master, and Wiffle Ball.
For more information, visit www.toyhalloffame.org.
About the National Toy Hall of Fame
The Strong’s National Toy Hall of Fame, established in 1998, recognizes toys that have inspired creative play and enjoyed popularity over a sustained period. Each year, the prestigious hall inducts new honorees and showcases both new and historic versions of classic toys beloved by generations. Anyone can nominate a toy to the National Toy Hall of Fame. Final selections are made on the advice of historians, educators, and other individuals who exemplify learning, creativity, and discovery through their lives and careers.
The classic toys of the National Toy Hall of Fame sit alongside and complement The Strong museum collection, the world’s largest and most comprehensive assemblage of toys, dolls, tabletop games, video games, other electronic games, books, photographs, documents, and other historical materials related to play.