Hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. | Fri. & Sat. till 8 p.m.
Don't miss upcoming events, performances, and workshops at the museum!
Join Just Games for a Dungeons and Dragons Workshop at The Strong. Discover the magical world of Dungeons and Dragons—a National Toy Hall of Fame inductee—in small groups and take part in an adventure with experienced Dungeon Masters. Based in Rochester, Just Games is a community-focused game store carrying a wide range of role-playing, board, and card games and accessories.
Tickets are $25 per person and available online. No experience is necessary. A parent or guardian must accompany children under 16 but will be free with child registration. Admission is limited and requires preregistration. Participants will receive a set of dice to take home.
Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.