Hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. | Fri. & Sat. till 8 p.m.
Don't miss upcoming events, performances, and workshops at the museum!
Join The Strong in celebrating the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and continuing this dream to create world full of compassion.
African drumming and dance with storytelling by Miracles Dance Center.
Watch local young dancers promote compassion and caring through African dance accompanied by professional African drumming.
Paychex Theater – 12:00 p.m.
Nykki Matthews Book Readings
Meet a local author and enjoy a live story reading of her book My Birthday Eve, a story celebrating Black and Brown children in their joy and curiosity.
Paychex Theater – 1:30 p.m.
YMCA’s Dreamseeds Jazz Band
Listen to the musical talents of the local YMCA’s Dreamseeds band, a group of students who are following their love and passion for music. This performance is featured as an installment of the Dr. Vivian A. Palladoro Performing Arts Series.
Paychex Theater – 2:00 p.m.
DIY Peace Dove
Be creative and craft your very own dove to represent peace.
Play Lab – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.