Hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. | Fri. & Sat. till 8 p.m.
Don't miss upcoming events, performances, and workshops at the museum!
Join local stop motion artist Tom Gasek for a hands-on introduction workshop to learn the basics of claymation (clay animation). Use your smartphone and clay to create your very own stop motion animation all while learning techniques to continue your craft at home.
Please note that all participants will need a smart phone. Children will work together with their adult chaperone on one project, adults registering alone will work solo. We recommend a 1:1 child to adult ratio for this program.
This workshop is for children and adults, 8 years old and up. A parent or guardian must accompany children under 16 and must also register for the program. Admission is limited and requires pre-registration.
This workshop includes two sessions, 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.!
$31 for non-members (incudes general admission)
$12 for members
Artist Bio
Tom Gasek is a local stop motion animator, director, and professor at RIT with the School of Film and Animation. Tom brings over 28 years of experience within the field and has won multiple awards for his work! Interested in learning more? Check out his website: http://www.tdgasek.com/index.html.
Visit a highly interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the history and exploration of play.